Care + Share
Jesus said: “ I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty” John 6:35

Care + Share



Care + Share is the online platform where CDF members  meet the needs of one another by giving away those things they have, that they can bless others with. Members in need would generally visit this online platform to check any posting that matches their need. This follows the principle of having things in common as exemplified in the lives of the disciples in the first century church ( Acts 4:32).

Notes For All Registered Users:

  • All item categories listed under Ministry Donations List are reserved for Eternal Food Ministry Fundraising only. This means when donors want to pass on a donation item to the Ministry for the purpose of fundraising, they will post them under any of these categories marked Ministry Donations list.
  • All other items posted to other categories apart from the ones mentioned above will be made available to all registered CDF members who may be in need of those items. See Terms of Use for more details.