Christ’s Disciples Fellowship Multiplication Model
Christ’s Disciples Fellowship Multiplication Model
Case Study: A mature CDF- with maximum of 20 adult members
CDF consists of the following:
CDF House Pastor and House Monitor: These two individuals are volunteers who lead and monitor CDF activities respectively
CDF Members: A CDF may have maximum number range between 10 and 20 adult members depending on the accommodation of the hosting family. No CDF may split before reaching 10 adult members, and no CDF may have more than 20 adult members.
Families: Husband, wife, and adult children over 18 years of age will each be counted as an adult member in a CDF.
Individuals: Individual male or female will be considered a member each.
Potential House Pastor/Monitor: These are two individuals identified by CDF coordinators and church leaders to be part of new CDF that will emerge from the existing one.
Emerging New Pastor/Monitor: Each new CDF will have two leaders comprising one from the original pastors, and one from originally identified potential Pastors.
Emerging New Pastor and Monitor: The potential House Pastor and House Monitor in the previous mature CDF will emerge as the House Pastor and House Monitor respectively for the new CDF.