DCG Leadership Training Courses
Welcome to Disciples’ Leadership Training
All participants in the Disciples Leadership Training program are welcomed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to an exciting time of learning together. You are particularly appreciated for having heeded the call to go higher in being a disciple and a disciple maker.
Using John Mussleman’s summaries of six characteristics of a “learning and following disciple”(Jackson institute), this training is structured to bring into light and sharpen these major areas in the life of a disciple, ready to disciple others for the glory of God:
- The Fear of the Lord– A true disciple of Jesus Christ, is one who is learning the fear of the Lord; that is, he is seeking to apprehend the majesty and glory of God that he may respond to Him in awe, reverential love, submission, faith, obedience, friendship, trust, humility, commitment, and devotion.
- God’s Decrees, Laws, Commands, and Statutes– A true disciple of Jesus Christ is one who acknowledges, listens to, and carefully obeys the Word of God; that is, he believes the teaching, trusts the promises, and follows the commands.
- Righteousness– A true disciple of Jesus Christ is one who is learning righteousness; that is, he is seeking to be and do right according to God’s Word.
- God’s Paths– A true disciple of Jesus Christ is one who is learning God’s ways; that is, in simple dependence on God, he is able to discern the good from the evil path and remain on the path of obedience, one step at a time.
- Good Judgment– A true disciple of Jesus Christ is one who is learning good judgment. As he approaches each decision in life, he prayerfully seeks the Lord for wisdom and discretion that he might know what is true and what is false, what is good and what is evil.
- Christ– A true disciple of Jesus Christ is one who has thrown off the yoke of legalism through faith in Christ, and who has established Jesus as the source and object of his knowledge and understanding.
Quarter One- Module 1
Matthew records what we now know as the Great Commission, in which Jesus commanded the disciples to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Mt. 28:19-20). The question every faithful and obedient Christian must answer is, “How do I make disciples?” This course is designed for self-directed study and examines the biblical idea of discipleship, the most important insights related to understanding Christian discipleship, and the practical steps for engaging in contemporary, Christ-centered discipleship.
Module One Objectives
- To examine the principles, methods, and strategies that Jesus used to transform and train the Twelve to take the gospel of salvation by grace through faith to the entire world.
- To embrace a Trinitarian theology of ministry based on God’s self-disclosure as revealed and preserved in the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, rather than one whose foundation is utilitarianism (the greatest good for the greatest number of people; ministry created out of needs) or pragmatism (the assessment of truth according to practical consequences; ministry built upon a marketing strategy).
- To learn how to disciple others in the words and ways of Jesus Christ.
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Quarter Two- Module 2
The early disciples and Apostles of Jesus Christ heard Him teach, witnessed His miracles, experienced His love, and were eyewit- nesses of His resurrection. The disciple whom Jesus loved, John, wrote the following words at the beginning of his first letter: “What was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we beheld and our hands handled, concerning the Word of life” (I Jn. 1:1). Had we lived in first-cen- tury Israel, John claims, we would have been able to hear Him, see Him, and touch Him. Today, in order to know Him, we must rely on the Gospel accounts to inform us about His life, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension into heaven.
Module Two is designed to lead you to a greater knowledge of Jesus Christ in order that, in knowing Him, you might love Him supremely and, relying on His grace and power, serve Him for the rest of your life and follow His pattern of training multiplying disciplemakers to reach a lost world.
Module Two Objectives
There are four established objectives for Module Two:
- To foster a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ by studying His life as presented in the Gospels;
- To come to know Jesus as you have never known Him before and to be conformed to His image;
- To learn a chronological framework for the public ministry of Jesus in order to see the progression of His life and how He gradually and systematically trained the Twelve to take the gospel to the world; and
- To learn how to make reproducing disciples by following the principles and methods He used in training the twelve.
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Quarter Three- Module 3
Module three, a continuation of Module Two, is designed to lead you to a greater knowledge of Jesus Christ in order that, in knowing Him, you might love Him supremely and, relying on His grace and power, serve Him for the rest of your life and follow His pattern of training multiplying disciplemakers to reach a lost world.
Module Three Objectives
There are four established objectives for Module Three:
- To foster a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ by studying His life as presented in the Gospels;
- To come to know Jesus as you have never known Him before and to be conformed to His image;
- To learn a chronological framework for the public ministry of Jesus in order to see the progression of His life and how He gradually and systematically trained the Twelve to take the gospel to the world; and
- To learn how to make reproducing disciples by following the principles and methods He used in training the twelve
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